2024: The Year Ahead for Calling All Ports

A photograph of Andrew and Diana of Calling All Ports overlooking the Grand Canyon.

2024, here we come! It was a busy 2023, launching Calling All Ports back in January and watching it quickly grow — all while keeping up with full-time jobs and otherwise busy lives. Something about us that many may not know is that we’re both academics, and in fact we started Calling All Ports as an experiment-of-sorts to complement communication and media projects that our students were working on. The channel has been an incredible educational experience and also a lot of fun! And more than anything, it’s been terrific finding and learning from all of you in the YouTube cruise community.

The pace of our videos slowed down the past few months, as the Fall semester and other pressing obligations took priority. We also took some time off for the holidays, to spend time with family and enjoy some non-cruise travel (including some time out West in Arizona and Las Vegas, hence the Grand Canyon selfie).

However, we’ve got big plans for Calling All Ports in 2024! A half-dozen cruises are already booked - and there’s room in the calendar for a couple more, wink wink. And we’re sitting on a pile of footage and video ideas that we’ll be shaping together in the months ahead. We’re certainly envious of those CruiseTubers who maintain a weekly release schedule. We’re still trying to find our pace and rhythm for the channel. Luckily Andrew’s starting a sabbatical and will be dedicating extra time to writing and editing content.

Stay tuned!!! We’ll be returning from our mini-hiatus in the next few weeks, and we promise lots more Calling All Ports content on the regular in 2024. Thanks for all your support over the past year. And we hope to “be sea-ing you” in the year ahead! 💖


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